Everything you need to know about cannabidiol in 3 minutes

Everything you need to know about cannabidiol in 3 minutes

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is a molecule that comes from the cannabis plant or the hemp plant. It has very interesting characteristics from a medical point of view, unlike the other well-known molecule in the hemp plant, THC or tetrahydrocannabinol. THC causes high effects while cannabidiol does not have this characteristic at all. Indeed, cannabidiol has a set of benefits and properties allowing more and more people to use it as a food supplement. Although it is considered as such, cannabidiol has clearly made a meteoric rise on the legal cannabis market. But then, what is cannabidiol? And why is it so beneficial?

The History of Cannabidiol

Cannabis is a well-known plant in human civilization for thousands of years. First in Asia, traces were found around 4000 BC. These people used cannabis and hemp industrially and also from a medical and medicinal point of view. Pottery was also found in a Chinese province with hemp drawings as well as associated textiles. A large part of Central Asia has been marked by the presence of hemp, from the Hindu Kush mountain range to Afghanistan, traces of cannabis have been present everywhere for a very long time. We can also mention India as well as the Himalayas where we find the presence of this fascinating plant. No one knows exactly where this plant comes from, but one thing is certain, is that cannabis was cultivated long before our birth and that it will still be cultivated long after our birth.

Cannabidiol, on the other hand, is a molecule that was discovered and analyzed much later thanks to several researchers. Initially, cannabidiol was put aside in favor of THC. It returned to the forefront of the scientific scene about ten years ago and has begun to invade the United States and then Europe for five years now.

Is cannabidiol legal?

The answer is YES, cannabidiol is completely legal! But what about cannabidiol in the eyes of the state? Cannabidiol is considered a dietary supplement and not a drug. So you can legally buy and consume cannabidiol products.

The question to ask yourself regarding the legality of CannaBiDiol is the level of THC present in the cannabidiol products that you are going to buy. If it is less than 0.2% THC, you will not incur any legal problems. If, on the other hand, you cannot have the answer as to the THC levels present in your products, this can become problematic. So consider getting your products from a trusted retailer like Cali Weed .

What else does cannabidiol have in a CBD shop like Cali Weed ? The answer is simple and can be summed up in one sentence: The cannabidiol-based products that you will find on the CBD Shop Cali Weed are natural, organic and above all French!

What effects does cannabidiol have?

Cannabidiol is a non-psychoactive molecule, unlike its cousin THC. Its therapeutic benefits are numerous. First of all, we can tell you about the anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties of cannabidiol, which allow people suffering from pain to reduce the intensity of their pain. Cannabidiol has antiepileptic benefits that reduce epileptic seizures in people who consume it. CBD also has antipsychotic properties, so for people suffering from addictions or consuming, for example, cannabis with a high THC content, CBD can help them overcome these dependencies. Cannabidiol is also a great anxiolytic, which means that this molecule helps people subject to anxiety or panic attacks, or simply to relax and calm down. The Covid-19 crisis has unfortunately not helped to get better. Cannabidiol also promotes good memory, as well as much greater concentration. CBD helps to solve common skin problems but also certain skin diseases such as psoriasis or eczema, very often linked to stress. Our friend cannabidiol is also an excellent anti-convulsive.

To know the exhaustive list of the benefits of CBD, do not hesitate to consult this article: All the benefits of cannabidiol .

What are the side effects of cannabidiol?

The side effects of CBD or cannabidiol are practically non-existent. In very rare cases, it has been reported that the CBD molecule could cause a slight dry mouth as well as bloating in the stomach. But remember that these effects are really very rare.

For a comprehensive list of side effects associated with CBD consumption, please read this article: Side effects of cannabidiol .

How to use cannabidiol?

There are many ways to consume cannabidiol! In fact, there are many different products and methods of consumption. You can, for example, consume CBD flowers in infusions, by vaping via a dedicated vaporizer (without combustion), and also in cooking in your favorite dishes and recipes. You can find cannabidiol oils that can be taken orally or sublingually for better assimilation by the body, or applied directly to the skin by massaging sensitive areas. You can also vaporize our CBD resins. The CBD Shop Cali Weed 's cannabidiol teas and herbal teas are also excellent, and bring great joy to your taste buds! In this case, simply boil some water, take some tea, let it steep for 5-6 minutes and enjoy. Culinary oils with cannabidiol are also available to enhance your favorite dishes, and here again, simplicity is the order of the day: simply spray the oil directly onto your salads or favorite dishes. Cannabidiol can also be used for pets such as dogs and cats. In the same way as for humans, cannabidiol oil for pets is available, as are cannabidiol shampoos for dogs and cats.

What more does cannabidiol bring today? You will have understood if you have had the opportunity to browse our other articles on the CBD blog, cannabidiol is such a complete molecule that it is difficult to answer this question succinctly. Its benefits are increasingly recognized by the scientific and medical community. A booming market has emerged and for the moment, cannabidiol is meeting with more and more success with new followers. And you, what is your experience or opinion on cannabidiol?

The Cali Weed team

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