Explore the natural benefits of cold-pressed CBD oil, a concentrate of excellence derived from unique know-how. This extraction method preserves all the active components of hemp, offering an authentic and pure CBD oil experience.
Cold-pressed CBD oil represents excellence in natural wellness products, combining tradition and innovation in a sophisticated extraction process. This meticulous method preserves the integrity and potency of hemp's active components through two essential manufacturing phases.
It all starts with an important first step: extracting the pure carrier oil from the hemp seeds. Cold pressing, carried out at a precise temperature never exceeding 40°C, preserves all the plant's natural cannabinoids and essential nutrients:
- omega-3,
- omega-6,
- vitamin E,
- B vitamins,
- antioxidant,
- and minerals.
This ancestral technique guarantees a base oil of exceptional quality, rich in active ingredients.
This base is then enriched with CBD molecules carefully extracted from Cannabis Sativa L. This precise integration process creates a natural synergy that optimizes CBD's bioavailability: your body absorbs its benefits up to 40% more effectively than with conventional extraction methods.
Cold-pressing is distinguished by its ability to preserve the entourage effect, the unique interaction between hemp's various components that potentiates their individual effects.
Natural terpenes, flavonoids and other minor cannabinoids remain intact, prolonging the action of CBD for up to 6-8 hours after intake.
Your Cali Weed brand offers cold-pressed hemp seed oil concentrated to different CBD percentages (from 20% to 60%). Each batch undergoes independent laboratory analysis, guaranteeing its purity and compliance with European standards. The transparency of the process and complete traceability, from seed to oil, make this product an authentic premium choice for hemp plant enthusiasts.