CBD and sport: The winning combo!

CBD and sport: The winning combo!

The benefits of CBD in sport

Over the past few years, CBD and sport have become increasingly compatible. This molecule, derived from the hemp plant, has gained in popularity thanks to its highly beneficial properties for the body.

For professional and amateur athletes alike, CBD helps boost performance before, during and after a sports session. With the World Anti-Doping Agency having removed cannabidiol from the list of prohibited products for use in competition, it's easy to see why CBD has become commonplace in sporting circles.

CBD in brief

Cannabidiol or CBD is one of the molecules derived from the hemp plant. These molecules include hundreds of other cannabinoids.

You'll certainly recognize the best-known molecule, THC, which is obviously banned for use by professional athletes in competition. THC is, however, the only molecule in hemp with so-called "high" psychotropic properties.

Today, extensive scientific research attests to CBD's many beneficial properties for general well-being and health.

How does CBD help athletes?

First of all, let's list the main benefits that CBD can bring you:

- Painkiller
- Antioxidant
- Antibacterial
- Anticonvulsant
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-vomiting
- Antispasmodic
- Anti-stress
- Analgesic

The beneficial properties of cannabidiol make CBD an ideal ally for athletes!

CBD before your workout

CBD improves concentration, so taking it before an intensive sports session or even a competition, or for your daily sporting needs, is very interesting. CBD will help you focus on your goal without the stress-related problems that can sometimes be very disabling. The anti-stress benefits of CBD will therefore be highlighted.

For athletes, CBD makes it easier to clear the head and be fully present during a sports session. As a general rule, CBD oil should be taken sublingually. There will be no harmful effects, as with certain stimulants (energy drinks, coffee, etc.), or even addiction, as CBD has no addictive properties whatsoever.

The problem with "classic" stimulants is often excessive nervousness, so why not choose a supplement that's good for you?

CBD after your workout

With so many beneficial properties and no undesirable or toxic effects, CBD is becoming an essential molecule for all athletes. First and foremost, its pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects will enhance recovery, as will its muscle-relaxing properties for aches and cramps.

The post-training recommendation is to apply CBD oil by massaging specific areas of the body, but sublingual consumption is also suitable.

Recovery is essential for athletes, and CBD will help you recover 100% from your physical exertions more quickly. Sore muscles won't be, and your motivation will soar!

Other benefits of CBD for athletes!

Some studies show that cannabidiol improves insomnia and sleep disorders. For sportsmen and women, sleep is a crucial factor, both mentally and physically, as without it, recovery cannot take place properly. Concentration will also be affected if sleep is disturbed.

CBD will therefore once again be an excellent asset, this time for optimum rest quality and therefore much more productive sessions afterwards.

Finally, for contact sports such as rugby and combat sports, CBD is also said to have the potential to reduce the risk of brain injury.

Happy sports sessions to all and long live CBD!

The Ma French Weed team

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