CBD and Fibromyalgia

CBD and Fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia has been recognized as a disease by the WHO since 1992, and has been officially classified as a rheumatological disease since 2006. Chronic pain is the main symptom of fibromyalgia. Other symptoms, such as more or less intense fatigue or sleep disturbance, vary from patient to patient, and may evolve over time.

What is fibromyalgia?

Fibromyalgia, also known as diffuse idiopathic polyalgesic syndrome, fibrositis or polyenthesopathy, is a difficult-to-treat and poorly recognized disease. Unfortunately, the lesions and inflammations from which patients suffer cannot be detected during medical examinations, yet the pain is very real. The disease can complicate other illnesses such as spondylitis (so-called secondary fibromyalgia), or can occur in isolation.

People affected by fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia generally appears around the age of 30, particularly in women (8 women affected for every 2 men). Fibromyalgia affects around 2% of the population, but according to an Israeli study, it could account for between 10 and 20% of consultations in rheumatology or internal medicine departments.

Causes of fibromyalgia

At present, knowledge suggests that this disease is triggered by several factors, such as :

  • Environmental factors (shock, stressful event during childhood or adolescence, intense stress in adulthood, trauma)
  • Genetic factors
  • Psychological factors (nervous system and/or hormonal disorders)

People suffering from fibromyalgia feel much more pain than others. The disease is therefore characterized by a sharply reduced pain perception and tolerance threshold. What's more, the aggravating factors of fibromyalgia are well known: we can cite inactivity, stress, overwork, or a cold, damp climate.

Signs of fibromyalgia

Fibromyalgia is mainly characterized by sleep disorders, fatigue and chronic pain in muscles and tendons along the spine. Other symptoms include restless legs, headaches, irritable bowel, tinnitus, allergies, anxiety and hypersensitivity.

Treatments for fibromyalgia

There are non-medicinal treatments that can greatly improve the patient's life. Physical activity is highly recommended: it should be started gradually and accompanied by stretching and stretching exercises. Regular physiotherapy and relaxation techniques such as sophrology can also help reduce anxiety. Breathing techniques can also be a great help.

Pain-relieving drugs are often analgesics and psychotropics that act on the brain. Antidepressants are apparently useful even in the absence of depression, because of their action on neurotransmitters (serotonin and adrenalin). Unfortunately, these drugs have significant short-, medium- and long-term side-effects. Some prescribed drugs, such as Tramadol, can cause short-term side-effects such as headaches, anxiety, panic attacks and stomach pains.

That's why more and more fibromyalgia sufferers are turning to more natural treatments like CBD, for example.

CBD and fibromyalgia

Can CBD help reduce the pain of fibromyalgia?

As mentioned earlier in this article, fibromyalgia causes many symptoms including joint pain or muscle pain, and CBD is considered a natural anti-inflammatory and analgesic. So that's great news!

More and more testimonials are coming in from all over the world, with men and women testifying that taking CBD brings relief and greatly reduces chronic pain.

You can read the testimonial of Marie, a fibromyalgia sufferer, who now uses only CBD to overcome her pain.

CBD also helps people fall asleep, relax and unwind. In this way, CBD helps some people combat chronic fatigue.

What are the benefits of CBD for fibromyalgia?

There's no doubt about it, CBD and fibromyalgia go hand in hand! CBD will enable fibromyalgia sufferers to sleep better, reduce anxiety and stress and enjoy peaceful nights, all accompanied by more restful sleep.

By stimulating the brain to produce adrenaline (a hormone that increases heart rate following physical exertion or stress), CBD will restore energy and tone to a person affected by fibromyalgia.

Fibromyalgia causes joint and/or muscle pain, which is why CBD will relieve these various pains without the need for drug treatment, as cannabidiol (CBD) is a natural analgesic and anti-inflammatory.

Finally, fibromyalgia sufferers may experience memory and/or concentration problems. CBD helps produce a neurotransmitter called norepinephrine (otherwise known as noradrenaline), which is very similar to adrenaline. It therefore promotes better concentration and boosts memory.

CBD consumption for fibromyalgia

The healthiest form of CBD currently available to support fibromyalgia sufferers is undoubtedly CBD oil.

CBD oil can be taken orally or even sublingually (a few drops under the tongue) for faster assimilation by the body. It can also be applied directly to the skin as a moisturizing and/or massage oil.

In conclusion, CBD and fibromyalgia really do go hand in hand, and it would be a shame for anyone suffering from this disease to deprive themselves of this natural molecule, which is proving its worth every day and is already helping thousands of people on a daily basis.

The Cali Weed team

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What CBD products have you been able to try for pain relief and in what concentration?
Best regards.
The MaFrenchWeed team

Nicolas - MaFrenchWeed

FOR ME.NO RESULT for fibromyalgia (rebel)


Hello Lydia,

First of all, thank you for your comment!

CBD infusion is a good method if you follow the advice below:
As CBD is not water-soluble, it is necessary to add a fatty substance to the water once it has been heated, so that the CBD can dissolve in it and not get "lost". You could, for example, add a spoonful of vegetable oil such as coconut oil, or any other fatty substance.

In all cases, CBD oil will be much more effective because it is much more concentrated and already in a fatty substance (MCT coconut oil or hemp oil), so it can be assimilated straight away.

We therefore advise you to try adding a little coconut oil to the infusion (once the water is heated), and if this produces no effect, switch to a CBD oil. For severe pain, start with a 20% oil, then increase if necessary.

Good luck to you and we'll be happy to answer any questions you may have :)

The MaFrenchWeed team

Nicolas - MaFrenchWeed

Hello there.
I take CBD in infusion but I have no positive results on my pains which are really strong.
I would like to know if CBD oil would be more effective.
I await your frank answer.
Thank you. Lydia.

Lydia Laignel

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