CBD: a little-known aphrodisiac to boost your libido!

CBD: a little-known aphrodisiac to boost your libido!

The decline in sexuality is a real social problem affecting a large proportion of the world's population. A number of factors are to blame, such as daily, high-dose screen consumption, the stress of life in general, junk food, our professional lives, etc. All these factors are stress points that can lead to a reduction, or even a blockage, of our libido. People with such problems easily turn to marital therapy or medication. Yet our beautiful planet earth provides us with a wealth of natural aphrodisiac products capable of accompanying us in our sexual life.

The cannabis plant has been known for millennia as a natural aphrodisiac, enabling a more fulfilling sex life. CBD products are therefore now also used to enhance our sex lives and give our libidos a boost. The harmful effects of THC are obviously not included, as all legal CBD products in France do not exceed 0.3% THC (i.e. a very small amount).

CBD can be consumed in a variety of forms, including CBD flowers, CBD oil, CBD herbal teas and CBD teas. So many ways to take cannabidiol and get your sex life moving in the right direction. The article that follows will highlight the virtues of CBD on sexuality and the different ways to consume CBD. CBD, an aphrodisiac for everyone!

What is an aphrodisiac?

A brief definition: if a product consumed has the ability to increase sexual desire, it is considered an aphrodisiac. There are a multitude of products and foods that are now considered aphrodisiacs. Indeed, since the dawn of time, human beings have been able to find a number of products to enhance their sexuality. An aphrodisiac product increases sexual desire tenfold. CBD is also considered an aphrodisiac because it helps you relax and feel less stressed, which in turn boosts sexual desire, libido and craving. However, let's be clear: CBD is not a medicine, and will never be able to cure any dysfunction.

Known Aphrodisiac Products

The famous ginger is of course the best-known aphrodisiac. You'll also find ginseng, dark chocolate, oysters and cloves. That's a short list of well-known aphrodisiacs, but now you can add one more: CBD!

Sexuality and CBD

After analyzing the scientific studies that have been carried out on the subject, CBD has been found to have beneficial effects on people's sex lives. A major American study conducted by : The Institute for Sexual Health highlighted the improved sex life of those tested. The duration of sexual intercourse was lengthened, male ejaculation was delayed, and women's orgasm was enhanced and more rapid.

Despite this scientific research, it should be noted that the results are to be taken with a certain lightness, as there have so far been few studies carried out on this subject. Nevertheless, most of the people questioned on this subject saw a positive evolution in their sex life thanks to CBD. So is CBD an aphrodisiac? Yes, it is! But how does CBD affect your sex life?

Improve your sex life with CBD

Anxiety and stress reduced with CBD

Stress, anguish and anxiety are the main factors linked to problems of reduced libido. Insomnia, panic attacks, accumulated stress or problems linked to emotional blockages are all serious factors that have a major impact on our sex life. Don't panic, CBD and its aphrodisiac virtues are here to help us, soothe us, relax us and enhance our senses. Thanks to the soothing and relaxing effect of CBD, the environment around us is much more conducive to sexual desire and drive.

Improved blood circulation thanks to CBD

CBD stimulates blood circulation, causing blood vessels to expand. This promotes better oxygenation of the blood. As a result, sexual impulses and arousal tend to arrive more quickly, and the senses are heightened. This information makes perfect sense after reading the American study which showed that women felt much more and men lasted longer during the act (delayed ejaculation).

CBD relieves pain

It's not innate to think about it directly, but sometimes a drop in libido can lead to feelings of discomfort or pain during intercourse. CBD can therefore act directly on certain discomforts or pains, facilitating relaxation. And yes, it wasn't obvious to you, but CBD is indeed an aphrodisiac.

Video on aphrodisiacs

Interested in aphrodisiac virtues and properties? Don't hesitate to watch this video presenting several aphrodisiacs other than CBD :

Many thanks to Professor Gilbert Bou Jaoudé for his contribution, and to the Charles.co website for its sexuality-related content.

The aphrodisiac virtues of CBD

What type of CBD?

The CBD world has seen strong growth in recent years, and so have products containing cannabidiol. It's difficult for us to highlight one particular product over another, as everyone's expectations are often not the same.

Even so, we can offer you different types of products such as CBD flowers. Using a vaporizer, you'll feel the effects immediately.CBD oil is an equally interesting product for the libido, because all you need to do is place a few drops under your tongue to feel the effects very quickly. Finally, you can also turn to CBD beverages such as CBD herbal teas, or CBD creams and body products.

What is the correct dosage?

Unlike conventional drugs and treatments, there's no risk of overdosing the body with CBD. This doesn't mean you need to consume large quantities to feel the effects quickly. In fact, the opposite is true: cannabidiol will be more effective if you start with a low dose and increase it over time.

The most important thing to remember is how you feel when you consume CBD. When you're used to CBD or migrating from THC to CBD, the minimum recommended dose for your CBD oil is 20 percent CBD to calm you down. If you're only taking CBD occasionally, a starting dose of 10 percent is recommended. So, are you ready to take the plunge and try the aphrodisiac effects of CBD?

Sexual relations and side effects of CBD

CBD has no side effects or adverse reactions, either during, before or after sex. CBD will bring you all its aphrodisiac virtues, your senses will be much more alert and you'll be able to fully enjoy and share this state with your partner(s).

Remember that the THC present in recreational cannabis (banned in France) induces the desire to sleep. This will not be the case with CBD, as the THC content of the products is below the legal dose (banned in France above 0.3%).

Today, CBD is playing an increasingly important role in the lives of the French. No less than 10% of the population have already consumed it, no less! With our fast-paced lifestyles and the various aches and pains of everyday life, it's sometimes hard to keep up, and our sexuality is sometimes put to the test. But CBD can help, thanks to its soothing and aphrodisiac properties.

The Cali Weed team

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