CBD for sleep
Using CBD to sleep
A natural alternative to sleeping pills exists to combat insomnia and sleep disorders: CBD for better sleep.
In this article, we'll look at why CBD is a very interesting molecule for promoting and increasing sleep quality.
Before we start, let's remember that doctors recommend 6 to 8 hours' sleep to ensure a truly restorative sleep. This is one of the most important factors in maintaining good physical and mental health. Today, a large proportion of the world's population doesn't reach the quota of hours recommended by doctors, and this can lead to a great deal of stress in the long term.
The beneficial effects of CBD for sleep are numerous, and we're going to detail two main areas: falling asleep and sleep quality.
1. CBD to fall asleep faster
CBD promotes the production of melatonin, a hormone that regulates the chronobiological rhythms that accompany sleep. In fact, CBD is a molecule with relaxing, soothing and anti-inflammatory properties that make it easier and quicker to fall asleep. By relieving physical pain, relaxing muscles and reducing stress, CBD helps you feel good about your body, so you can fall asleep more easily.
2. CBD for longer nights
Now that the sleepy phase is over, the night can begin. CBD will help you sleep longer and get a better night's sleep. CBD is responsible for giving you better REM sleep, so it's restorative and dream-enhancing. It also helps combat sleep apnea. You'll feel these benefits as soon as you take it for the first time. This molecule gives you a deeper, more relaxing sleep, with no side effects. Sleeping pills and other drugs tend to be habit-forming, whereas CBD is a natural product that is not habit-forming at all.
What types of CBD for sleep?
CBD oils, CBD herbal teas and CBD edibles release cannabinoids slowly and over a longer period, while CBD flowers have an almost instant effect when vaporized. When it comes to CBD, you have a wide choice: CBD candy, CBD vape, CBD resin, etc.
CBD dosage for sleep?
According to several scientific studies, it would be more effective to take a higher dose of CBD over a short period of time (up to a few months) rather than preferring a lower dosage over a longer period of time (several years).
CBD doesn't have any side effects or adverse effects, even with long-term treatments; only it could be less effective, as it's wiser to think of CBD as a dietary supplement rather than a long-term treatment. What's more, you won't have any problems of overdosing if you consume too much CBD, unlike some drugs.
Over the long term, CBD won't be harmful, but after a few years, CBD's beneficial effects may be less effective: so try to see CBD as a cure.
How does CBD affect the brain?
Every living thing on earth has an endocannabinoid system, or ECS. This system, which operates in our bodies, naturally produces molecules similar to those found in hemp plants. The CBD molecule interacts directly with the CB1 and CB2 receptors present in the endocannabinoid system. The CBD molecule has a beneficial effect on the circadian rhythm, making it interesting both during the day and at night, as the circadian rhythm is the cycle of a full day in living beings. Compared with sleeping pills or drugs, which have a sedative effect, CBD has a regulating effect.
By reducing stress and anxiety, promoting muscular relaxation, reducing psychological and mental tension and relieving physical pain, CBD easily becomes an ally of choice to help you fall asleep and maximize the quality of your sleep.
Feeling tired or lacking energy due to sleep disorders or difficulty falling asleep? Try Cali Weed, the best CBD site to help you fall into the arms of Morpheus more easily, while boosting the quality of your sleep.
The Cali Weed team
@Baudhuin VAN STEENBERGE, Thank you for your comment!
Circadin is a prescription drug, whereas CBD is not a drug (rather considered a supplement).
Circadin has melatonin as its active ingredient (which is different from CBD) and is usually prescribed to combat insomnia.
To answer your question, Circadin is not comparable with CBD. On the other hand, we're seeing more and more people pairing melatonin with CBD to obtain stronger effects in the fight against sleep disorders.
Do not hesitate to consult a doctor before taking CBD if you are taking medication.
Is CBD comparable to Circadin?