What is CBN and what are its effects?

What is CBN and what are its effects?

THC, CBD, CBG and now CBN? All these abbreviations are acronyms for tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), cannabigerol (CBG) and cannabinol (CBN). Somewhat scientific names, of course, but in the end, they are all molecules present in the hemp plant. Cannabis has many cannabinoids in its composition, there are around a hundred of them. CBN, also known as cannabinol, is currently much less well-known than the other cannabinoids mentioned, but it is tending to develop. Studied more and more by scientists, today we are going to highlight the virtues of CBN, its full name cannabinol.

But what is this new cannabinoid? Is CBN good or dangerous for your health? We explain everything about this molecule that will impress you.

What is CBN?

CBN, an acronym for cannabinol, comes straight from the hemp plant. You already know CBD, CBG and THC. CBN is also part of the very long list of cannabinoids present in cannabis. CBN, unlike other molecules, does not come natively from the plant. Indeed, cannabinol cannot be produced without THC and it is initially in acid form: CBNa. Then, CBN appears thanks to the air and the rays of the sun and its heat: this is called oxygenation of THC. The mixture of heat and oxygen creates CBN, which is therefore derived from THC. The scientific name for this process is decarboxylation.

This new molecule being highlighted (CBN) is subject to much ongoing scientific research because, as much as for CBD and CBG, CBN stands out for its very encouraging health benefits.

Is CBN psychoactive?

As we explained above, CBN is a molecule that comes from the decarboxylation of THC. It is therefore quite normal to ask the following question: does CBN provide psychotropic effects?

Rest assured, cannabinol or CBN is not psychoactive! It will not produce the so-called high effects of THC.

The difference between CBN and THC

As mentioned above, CBN is a non-psychoactive molecule of hemp and comes from the decarboxylation of THC. As you already know, THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) is banned in France because it is the psychoactive molecule of cannabis! Indeed, over a long period of regular use, your health could be seriously affected by THC. The arrival of CBD in France has not allowed the legalization of the recreational use of cannabis. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) remains a molecule classified in the narcotics category. People who consume THC with a level higher than 0.2% are, in addition to having harmful effects on their health, liable to financial fines or even prison sentences...

It is therefore very important to distinguish between the two molecules because one will be able to help (CBN) and the other risks sinking you (THC).

The difference between CBD and CBN

CBD is a molecule that acts on the endocannabinoid system. Activating the CB1 and CB2 receptors that all human beings have within their bodies, CBD (cannabidiol) will act directly on this same system and will trigger several biological effects.

At first glance, CBN and CBD have a relatively similar gene structure. CBN is said to act much more on CB2 receptors. It also acts on CB1 receptors, which seems quite logical since CB1 receptors are also activated in the presence of THC. CBN, as you now know, comes from THC.

The effects of CBN

Studies on CBN and its effects are currently quite limited because cannabinol is complicated to synthesize. Most of the existing research is still in the study cycle, but several benefits of CBN are already highlighted. Unlike CBD, CBN has a little more difficulty attaching to the CB1 and CB2 receptors of our endocannabinoid system, but that does not mean that it is not therapeutically interesting, quite the contrary! Below is the list of the potential effects of CBN:

  • CBN Helps Reduce Anxiety
  • CBN helps fight certain bacteria and can replace certain antibiotics
  • CBN helps increase appetite, has an impact on reducing nausea or vomiting and can help with anorexia problems.
  • The anti-inflammatory benefits of CBN can help soothe pain as it has analgesic properties
  • Promoting the falling asleep phase and providing restful sleep, CBN can also help people with insomnia.
  • CBN could even treat eye diseases like glaucoma

Try the experience of CBN and its benefits

The CBD oils offered by Caliweed are not CBN-oriented, but still contain a low dose. Oils combining CBD, CBG and CBN in higher doses are already planned to be put online on our CBD shop, but you will have to wait a little longer because we are currently selecting the best organic and made in France CBN products on the market.

If you would like to know more, please feel free to send us a message in the contact section, we are always happy to answer your questions.

Since CBN is still in the study phase for its benefits, our team could not rely on a small number of successful research studies. Our transparency is as important to you as it is to us, and that is why we prefer to announce it clearly. More and more research on CBN is still being launched and it is only a matter of time before the benefits of CBN can be recognized by the scientific community! From then on, CBN will be much more prominent on the market.

The Cali Weed team

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