The different parts of hemp (CBD plant)
What are the different parts that make up the CBD hemp plant? How do you recognize a Sativa variety from an Indica variety? When do CBD flowers form? Etc. You'll find all the answers to your questions below!
CBD hemp seeds
CBD hemp seeds are not part of the plant, but are nonetheless very important. Without the seeds, no plant could grow. Light to dark earth in color in places, CBD hemp seeds are found in the flowers once the female plant has been pollinated.
The process begins with the seed opening in two as the inner embryo enlarges, eventually breaking the shell.
A rather feverish stem will emerge to seek light, while a tiny root will seek the substrate given to that same seed. It will gain strength as it grows.
The roots of CBD hemp
CBD hemp roots develop below the surface of the growing area. They can grow in soil or in any type of substrate with sufficient nutrients. The purpose of the roots is varied, although in the first instance, it can be explained that they carry nutrients and provide the strength the plant needs to grow and develop properly.
The plant's vascular system is fed by the roots, and within this same system we find the xylem, which is a plant tissue that conducts sap throughout the plant. It pumps the minerals and water captured by the roots to the rest of the plant.
Hemp CBD cotyledons
CBD hemp cotyledons are the embryonic leaves. They initially form with the meristems (responsible for plant cell growth) during the embryogenesis cycle. As the seed has stored energy, the cotyledons will be the first leaves to emerge during the germination cycle.
Cotyledons have a green appearance due to the presence of chlorophyll. This same chlorophyll will enable the cotyledons to carry out the famous photosynthesis during their first stages of growth. The life span of these cotyledons is very short: as soon as the first leaves appear on the plant, they become dry and useless.
The main stalk of CBD hemp
The main stalk of the CBD hemp plant will stand on its roots in the direction of the light source. The first function of this main stem is to support the plant's vertical growth. For the second main function, we can highlight the plant's vascular pathway.
CBD hemp knots
CBD hemp nodes are an intersection between the plant's main stem and branches, or between new secondary buds and a branch. Genotypes with a Sativa tendency are sparse and generally quite large in size, whereas genotypes with an Indica tendency will usually grow more densely.
Hemp CBD branches
CBD hemp branches always grow in pairs, from the node on either side of the main stem. The inter-nodal distance is the space between each branch. As we've just explained, Indica varieties will produce a greater number of nodes, so the internodes will be closer together.
CBD hemp leaves
Hemp CBD leaves are of paramount importance to the development of any plant. We find the fan-shaped leaf pattern in cannabis. As a general rule, the leaves grow two by two from each end of the main stem and then onto the branches.
The main function of CBD leaves is to absorb available light. The phloem, on the other hand, carries all the energy to the rest of the plant so that it develops properly, rather like an electrical network.
CBD hemp flowers
CBD flowers form when growth is complete. Pre-flowers form between branches and stems. These are called floral primordia. The pear-shaped calyxes develop here.