Know-how: Why is Swiss CBD so popular?
The history of Swiss CBD
There have been pioneers for years who have been growing hemp in the Swiss mountains, not necessarily complying with the rules in force. This is the well-known case of the environmentalist Bernard Rappaz, this Swiss hemp entrepreneur who started his life as a winemaker and oenologist, but who very quickly got closer to hemp. At the time, the laws were really not the same as today for Swiss CBD and Bernard Rappaz was imprisoned. In 2017, he managed to relaunch his culture and create his company around CBD. This man was the figure of Swiss CBD and hemp culture for years, and when the world understood that the cultivation of wellness hemp was possible, another story began.
Currently, very wealthy investors have invested their money in Swiss CBD, allowing other companies gravitating around this market to grow. The Swiss CBD market has therefore experienced a phenomenal boom and then around 30% of the stores had to close their doors. The market has regulated itself, allowing today a sustainability of the Swiss CBD sales activity.
The quality of Swiss CBD
As everywhere, the quality of Swiss CBD can vary, ranging from very poor to excellent! The quality of Swiss CBD comes first from the people who grow the plants. Depending on the types of crops and the varieties selected, the quality will inevitably be more or less there.
Outdoor culture of Swiss CBD
Here, bad weather can really affect the quality of CBD flowers . Outdoor cultivation is outdoors and Switzerland is a mountainous country with a rather good climate in the summer, but if the crops are placed in the heights, a cold wind storm or even rain can reduce the hopes of seeing a good harvest.
Swiss CBD Green House Culture
In a country like Switzerland, it is interesting to grow in a Greenhouse because the atmosphere is really optimal and the cold and bad weather will be controlled. The quality of the flowers will really be highlighted and Swiss growers can really be proud of the quality of their CBD.
Indoor cultivation of Swiss CBD
Indoor or indoor cultivation is a much more logical aspect to produce premium CBD flower qualities. Bad weather is no longer a problem and the plants are pampered, and above all, the crop inputs are 100% controlled. The monitoring of CBD Switzerland is often superior in order to maximize the harvest but also and above all in order to have flowers of the best possible quality.
As mentioned above, the quality of Swiss CBD will come from the resellers that you have intelligently selected in advance. Each producer works differently. There is no school in Europe that allows you to know exactly how to grow legal cannabis correctly, and above all, to obtain superior quality from it. Experience and personal investment are the only ways for a producer to produce a quality product. Our team will therefore advise you to always ask in advance about the production methods and the types of inputs that the producer may have used before purchasing Swiss CBD.
CBD Switzerland and its legislation
In Swiss law, wellness cannabis is authorized as long as the THC level does not exceed 1%. It is therefore possible under this condition to buy Swiss CBD but only in Switzerland. The surrounding countries have not yet accepted such a high THC level. Before being marketed on the Swiss market, Swiss CBD is subject to approval by the agricultural offices as well as the public health and food safety offices. Allowing producers and resellers to highlight the quality of Swiss CBD products.
Swiss producers have had to adapt to the countries around them because none of them have a THC level threshold of 1%, and to allow these same producers to export their products, they grow legal cannabis plants with levels of less than 0.2%. Their goal is also to show and prove the exceptional quality that they are capable of producing in view of their advance on this market.
The effects of CBD Switzerland
Like the rest of the world's CBD, Swiss CBD has no positive or negative effects. As a reminder, CBD, or cannabidiol in its full name, is a molecule derived from the cannabis plant. It has many very interesting virtues in order to help people suffering from various ailments. CBD is well known for its anti-inflammatory benefits that reduce muscle or joint pain, and therefore becomes a real partner for people in rehabilitation or post-operation. Cannabidiol is also known for its antiepileptic properties that drastically reduce seizures in patients suffering from this pathology. This was also the spearhead of the CBD campaign in the United States so that CBD could obtain the place it deserves. CBD is a natural anxiolytic and therefore helps to support or even resolve problems related to anxiety attacks but also to everyday stress.
The Cali Weed team