Should I seek medical advice before taking CBD?
Learn more about CBD
CBD or cannabidiol is a molecule that comes directly from the hemp plant. CBD is what's known as a cannabinoid, and there are over a hundred of them in the same plant (CBC, CBN, CBG, THC, etc.). CBD is quite distinct from that other well-known molecule from hemp: THC. THC, unlike CBD, is a psychotropic molecule known as "high", and is banned in France if its level exceeds 0.2%. CBD has no psychotropic properties and is perfectly legal in France, even at high CBD levels.
CBD or cannabidiol can be consumed in many different forms. These include CBD flowers, CBD oils, CBD hash and CBD candy.
The virtues of cannabidiol no longer need to be proven, which is why it is so much in the spotlight. With its relaxing, stress-fighting and pain-relieving properties, CBD has become a much-appreciated dietary supplement in France.
Understanding the benefits of CBD
CBD is consumed by the general public for a variety of reasons. Some use it to get off THC (see our article: How to get off THC with CBD), others to treat chronic pain. Some people use CBD to calm epileptic seizures, while others use it to help them concentrate and relax. There are a multitude of different reasons why consuming cannabidiol is of great interest, and below are a few properties that you shouldn't miss out on:
Anti-inflammatory properties of CBD
CBD's anti-inflammatory properties relieve muscle and joint pain. People suffering from chronic pain can prevent this pain through regular use of CBD.
Analgesic properties of CBD
Today, most of the drugs supplied by the pharmaceutical industry are opiate-based. Patients who use these drugs are highly susceptible to short-, medium- and long-term dependence. CBD, on the other hand, has no addictive properties.
Anti-oxidant properties of CBD
Just as rust appears on iron as it oxidizes, our bodies produce the same thing internally. The more we breathe, the more we oxidize over time. Human cells are oxidized by oxidative stress and free radicals, which denature the body's constituents. They are produced by stress and environmental toxins. Serious diseases such as Alzheimer's, cancer, heart disease, stroke and Parkinson's can result. CBD actively fights against this, as it is quite simply a super antioxidant.
CBD's anxiolytic properties
Stress and anxiety are often the result of pain that the patient is overcoming. Logically, their quality of life is greatly affected, making them susceptible to stress and anxiety. CBD's anxiolytic properties can, in certain cases, make it possible to dispense with conventional drug treatments.
Seek medical advice before taking CBD
CBD is not a medicine; in France, it is considered a dietary supplement. Even so, each person may have different medical problems. So it's advisable, especially if you're undergoing treatment, to get the facts before changing your habits. This applies to CBD as much as to any other dietary supplement. Today, CBD is not considered a drug, so you can make an appointment with your doctor to discuss the idea of taking CBD / cannabidiol. He or she will be able to tell you whether your treatment is compatible with taking CBD or not. It is strongly recommended that you seek medical advice before taking CBD.
Contraindications and side effects of CBD
There are no contraindications to CBD consumption, except if you're pregnant or undergoing treatment incompatible with CBD. Certain additives may be added to products on the CBD market: that's why it's important to select natural products like those offered on the Cali Weed website.
Small doses of CBD have little or no side effects. It has been reported that cannabidiol can sometimes cause mild digestive disorders or dry mouth.
What forms does CBD come in?
There are several forms of CBD, and it would be interesting to consume cannabidiol in the form that suits you best. For example, for people who have never consumed cannabidiol before, it can be very pleasant to enjoy CBD teas or herbal teas for relaxation. For more serious conditions, CBD oil is often recommended. The cheap CBD flower but also CBD edible oils to garnish your dishes and enhance your recipes is also very interesting.Where can I buy CBD after getting medical advice?
Pharmacies have begun to sell CBD, but only in certain forms. Specialized stores such as websites and online CBD shops are often good places to buy because, as pioneers in the field, they offer a whole range of CBD in various forms. It's important to be selective about where you buy your CBD, as the quality of the products can really vary from one CBD store or website to another. Once you've had a positive medical opinion to start taking CBD, it will be easy to find, but make sure you consume natural products like those offered on Cali Weed to preserve your health.
Medical advice is not necessarily necessary for the vast majority of people who are not currently undergoing any particular treatment. You can find out more on our blog or in the FAQ section at the bottom of each page.
If you can't find the answers you're looking for, please send us a message on our contact page and a member of our team will be delighted to answer your questions.
The Cali Weed team