CBD flowers
Discover our selection of the best CBD flower varieties. Selected by Cali Weed!
Why choose our CBD flowers?
At Cali Weed, we collaborate with experienced CBD producers who work exclusively with organic farming methods! This is what allows us to offer you a cheap CBD flower flower with a clean look, unique smells and authentic flavours.
The quality of our CBD flowers
The high quality of our Californian CBD flowers means you can use them directly in your favorite recipes, either as a vaporization or an infusion, remembering to add a fatty substance as CBD is not water-soluble (it does not dissolve in water). We directly select the finest buds from our hemp flowers and display the CBD, CBG and THC content of all our varieties, just as we do for our smalls buds CBD. We have all our CBD flowers analyzed by laboratories to display the exact levels of cannabinoids, including CBD, CBG and THC. All our CBD flowers are therefore perfectly legal, as we guarantee that they all have a THC content of less than 0.3%.
The journey of our CBD flowers
All our hemp flowers are first harvested by hand in the traditional way. Our CBD flowers are then dried in climate-controlled chambers to remove moisture from the CBD plants and flowers. This is followed by manual manicuring of the CBD flowers by plant lovers, enabling us to offer you CBD flowers of impeccable appearance. A final drying stage (curing) enables our CBD flowers to boost their scent and flavor. Finally, all CBD flowers are vacuum-packed to preserve their high quality and freshness.
Preparing your CBD flowers
When we prepare your CBD flower orders, we pay particular attention to hygiene, using only gloves designed for this purpose and favoring gentle manual handling to preserve the quality of your hemp flowers. We then pack your CBD and CBG flowers in zipped and sealed Doypacks to preserve freshness, taste and smell. You'll love opening your sachets, and be pleasantly surprised by the different scents of the CBD flowers that surround you.
CBD flowers: Questions and instructions for use
What are the different methods of growing CBD flowers? What are the different varieties and strains of CBD flowers? What are the different levels of CBD flowers? How to use CBD flowers? Etc. You'll find all the answers to your questions below!
We distinguish three main cultivation methods for harvesting CBD flowers:
The different methods of growing CBD
CBD Indoor flowers
The indoor method consists in reproducing the indoor climate to optimize plant vegetative cycles and maximize quality and harvests. Lamps are used to reproduce the effects of the sun, and plants are grown in pots, either with soil or above ground (this method is called hydroponics, and the roots are directly in the water). Aeration is controlled by extractors and intractors, providing the air renewal essential to the plant's life cycle. With this method Indoor CBD flowers flowers are of unrivalled premium quality!
Greenhouse CBD Flowers
The greenhouse method of production. It's a perfect combination of indoors and outdoors. This technique delivers excellent yields in terms of volumes produced. The latest-generation greenhouses often feature technical equipment to control the greenhouse climate, such as fans to lower the temperature in midsummer. The quality of flowers produced in greenhouses is slightly lower than that of indoor production, but sometimes, depending on the grower, both methods can achieve similar quality. The quality of Greenhouse CBD flowers flowers is good, even very good!
CBD Outdoor flowers
The outdoor method is known as open-field cultivation: the ancestral method! This means that climate-related problems are a regular occurrence, especially depending on the geographical location of production. Rain, wind, cold and hail can have a direct impact on plants and flowers. Generally speaking, the quality of CBD Outdoor flowers flowers is inferior to that of the other two methods. On the other hand, thanks to a meticulous selection of our suppliers, you'll be pleasantly surprised by the excellent quality of our outdoor flowers :)
In addition to these three cultivation methods, Cali Weed promotes other natural productions without chemicals and we favor organic farming:
- Hydroponic CBD flowers
- Bioponic CBD flowers
- CBD Flowers Glasshouse
Our team offers you quality products, and we're proud of it!
The necessary steps for quality CBD flowers
1. Harvesting CBD flowers
Once the plant has reached maturity, it is cut: this is the first stage, known as harvesting. This stage is usually carried out by hand (in the traditional way) to harvest the flowers and ensure top quality. Indeed, it is imperative that the flowers are not tossed about in a machine. This method is also used in the manual harvesting of grapes for fine wines.
2. Drying CBD flowers
The next stage is drying. The seedlings are placed in a dedicated drying room. This is often a large, well-prepared room where climatic conditions can be controlled. This is a very important stage, as mildew or fungus can appear on the flowers if conditions are not optimally managed, which can lead to crop failure. Drying removes moisture from the plant and flowers.
3. CBD flower manicure
The manicure is the third step. This involves cutting away the small leaves around the flowers. This part is essential to guarantee a quality flower: the manicure must therefore be impeccable.
4. Curing CBD flowers
Once harvesting, drying and manicuring have been completed for hemp flowers containing CBD, a fourth drying stage takes place: this is called curing, and consists of a second drying stage for the flowers. This stage is just as important as the previous ones, and, as with fine wines, it enables the flowers to be better refined, so that in addition to their therapeutic virtues, they can also achieve a burst of taste and flavor.
5. Packaging CBD flowers
Once these steps have been completed, the flowers are ready for packaging. They must be vacuum-packed and protected from light, so that they cannot be altered by humidity or light.
Technical characteristics of CBD flowers
In plant genetics, we find two main families: Indica varieties and Sativa varieties. These varieties have been crossed over time by breeders to create new genetics, resulting in hybrids. Sometimes with stable percentages of 50% Indica and 50% Sativa, sometimes with other percentages such as 70% Indica and 30% Sativa.
The quantities of the various molecules present in the flowers' characteristics are expressed as percentages: we speak of the levels of these molecules, the two main ones being CBD and THC.
For a "classic" CBD flower, the CBD content is generally no more than 15%. If you find CBD levels higher than 15% in a flower, we'd like to warn you: these levels may come from the plant itself, but in the vast majority of cases, they are CBDA, the acid molecule (Acid) of CBD present when the plants are not yet dry. This rate is not that of CBD.
How to use CBD flowers?
We would never encourage you to smoke flowers. It's dangerous for your health!
CBD flower infusion
To make an infusion, first crumble your flowers (using a grinder, for example). Put some water in a saucepan to simmer, then add your flower crumbs. When the water is simmering again, cover, taking care not to overheat the decoction. Wait 10 to 15 minutes. Then remove the saucepan from the heat, remove the lid and pour in the droplets of steam that have formed (they contain lots of good stuff, the active principles of the flower). At this stage, the water is still hot enough to allow you, if you wish, to add tea, herbal tea or any other plant, and leave to infuse for the time you choose (often indicated on tea and infusion bags). At the end of the infusion, you can cover again and enjoy the small droplets.
As CBD is not water-soluble, we recommend adding a fatty substance such as coconut oil, another oil or milk (animal or vegetable) as a final step.
Cooking with CBD flowers
In the kitchen, you can incorporate your flowers (remember to grind them well) into your favorite recipes. Some restaurateurs have created great recipes and unusual dishes, so why not you? :)
Vaporization of CBD flowers
Vaporization is the method used by many countries that are pioneers in the field of medical cannabis, although France is not yet one of them. This method involves using a vaporizer: it heats the flower to extract the smoke itself, and you won't have the combustion-related problems you might have with smoking. You need to turn up the power of your vaporizer to obtain temperatures of over 170 degrees for it to be effective.