Why is CBD an excellent dietary supplement?

CBD is considered a dietary supplement and is naturally rich in vitamins and omegas. CBD is enjoying tremendous success around the world, and there are many different products available today in the form of CBD dietary supplements. Take CBD oil, for example, which is currently the best-known form of CBD consumption, closely followed by CBD flowers. Other CBD dietary supplements are becoming increasingly popular, such as CBD edible oil and CBD infusions, teas and herbal teas.

Why use CBD?

What is CBD? Cannabidiol, or more commonly known as CBD, is one of the molecules found in the cannabis plant. Cannabis is cultivated in large quantities around the world under the name "hemp", which means that there is no THC in prohibited quantities. The plant is widely known and increasingly used in many fields. What's more, the hemp plant is nutritionally very good for the body and has a number of benefits.

When it comes to assimilation, let's review the basics. The human body is equipped with an endocannabinoid system. This is activated by the cannabinoids our body naturally produces. When we consume hemp, our endocannabinoid system is activated, supporting the nervous and immune systems.

CBD contains a high dose of gamma-linolenic acid, an omega-6 that compensates for hormonal problems. This omega 6 has benefits for treatments related to premenstrual syndromes, and also benefits for alleviating problems linked to menopause or even benefits for people with water retention. You can simply takeCBD oil and take advantage of its benefits to reduce or even correct the above-mentioned problems. You can read more about the benefits of CBD oil in this article.

CBD and all cannabidiol-based dietary supplements contain some of the amino acids that are essential for a healthy, balanced diet. The hemp seeds used to produce CBD hemp oil have numerous benefits that go a long way towards achieving this. For example, CBD hemp oil is an excellent way of making digestion easier.

French CBD legislation

As far as CBD is concerned in France, no law has yet been published. There is no real classification of CBD in French legal registers. Until now, it has been considered a dietary supplement, not a medicine. CBD trials are underway in France, despite the delay caused by the current health crisis (Covid-19). Unfortunately, the French government lags far behind neighbouring countries such as Spain, Italy and Switzerland, which have fully opened the way to CBD. For the moment, however, there is no ban on CBD in France: it is simply considered a dietary supplement.

To learn more about this subject, an excellent video is available on YouTube and we thank Le Point for this report:

CBD as a dietary supplement

CBD is extracted from the hemp plant in several different ways. To extract CBD (cannabidiol), whole hemp plants are harvested to extract the CBD.

Most of the time, CBD is processed directly into CBD oil. The benefits of CBD oil are unquestionable: it provides consumers with an overall reduction in body aches and pains (depending on the pathology). Distillation is necessary to produce inexpensive, high-quality CBD oil.

CBD flowers, on the other hand, are harvested directly from the plants and then dried in specially designated areas. Most CBD teas and herbal teas are blends of CBD small buds and other plants, to get the most out of the cumulative benefits.

Edible hemp oil is also a good compromise when we're not used to consuming CBD. It's also a good alternative to taking a dietary supplement in capsule or tablet form. All you have to do is choose your hemp oil for cooking, to accompany and enhance your favorite dishes and recipes.

CBD has a very long list of virtues and benefits (see our article on the benefits of CBD) that can help and relieve certain serious, but also benign, pathologies. CBD's antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties are particularly noteworthy, as they are often highlighted by industry professionals and consumers alike.

The effects of CBD as a dietary supplement

CBD dietary supplements have benefits for reducing cardiovascular disease. CBD naturally contains omegas 6 and 3. It also helps reduce blood pressure. CBD oil also helps regulate cholesterol levels. CBD dietary supplements will help you achieve better overall health, as the benefits of CBD have been proven!

Cannabidiol is highlighted for its anti-inflammatory and relaxing benefits. CBD, by acting on the endocannabinoid system, reduces overall muscle pain in people suffering from these symptoms.

CBD-based dietary supplements are subject to European regulations: they must not exceed 0.2% THC. It is therefore essential to know that the THC content of finished CBD products must not exceed 0.2% THC. The psychotropic and soaring effects associated with this molecule are therefore impossible when consuming "legal" CBD.

Thanks to CBD, you can relieve back pain, for example. This article: "Can CBD help relieve back pain?" will guide you if you're experiencing back pain and want to try CBD for relief.

Studies have shown that CBD can combat the withdrawal symptoms associated with an addiction or dependency by acting at the level of perception and the psyche. It was only in 2017 that this connection was made. Read the study.

How can CBD be used as a dietary supplement?

As with any other product, CBD may not always be of good quality, depending on where it is purchased and where it comes from.Organic farming is the preferred method for growing good-quality hemp plants. First and foremost for your health, and also for the planet. The different methods of extracting CBD can also play a role in the quality of the final product. That's why we advise you to opt for a natural extraction method that will enable you to reap the full benefits of CBD.

As you can see, CBD dietary supplements are a dime a dozen! And when it comes to using them, you'll need to take a look at the product data sheet or the explanations in order to adopt the right dosage.

For optimal storage of your CBD-based dietary supplements (especially CBD oil or hemp oil), we recommend storing them in a place protected from heat and light. This is to guarantee and preserve the maximum benefits of CBD.

When it comes to CBD dosage, you're always advised to start with a low dose, then gradually increase it as you feel it. When you feel the desired effect, you can rely on this dosage. And remember, there's no risk in overdosing with CBD (see our full article on CBD dosage).

CBD and its benefits in food supplements

To conclude this article, we'd like to stress that CBD has countless virtues and benefits for human beings, and add that this is also the case for our animal friends (See our full article on CBD and animals).

Today, it's too early to say that CBD represents a molecule of the future that will be able to alleviate some of the population's ills in the decades to come. But we can already announce that in France, 7 million people use CBD daily or have already tried it. That's 10% of the French population, so why not you?

The Cali Weed team

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